Placing Ornaments On Your 15 Foot Artificial Christmas Trees

Decorating Your 15 Foot Artificial Christmas Tree: Tips and Tricks

For those who are setting up your 15 foot artificial Christmas trees for the first time, you may find it a bit daunting to figure out just how you are going to decorate this tree. That is understandable! This is a huge tree. But, don’t let this overwhelm you, you just need to take it slowly and safely. The key to placing ornaments onto your 15 foot artificial Christmas trees is to make sure that you are ready for this…as it is going to be a job, but one that you should enjoy! So, turn up the Christmas music and get to decorating!

The best tip to remember is that you need to make sure that you are being safe with 15 foot artificial Christmas trees. This does mean having a ladder so that you can reach the top. Do not try to jump up high enough to try to hit the branch…that is not going to work. And you are going to find that you risk not only hurting yourself but also knocking the tree over…which would be bad.

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Once you have this ladder and maybe someone to help you with hanging the ornaments, then it is time to place these. With heavier ornaments you are going to want to hang these further back onto the branch of this 15 foot artificial Christmas trees. This is just meant to help you avoid this ornament possibly falling and breaking.

You will want to start with any garland that you may be used on the tree since this is going to be weaved in between the branches to fill up the space if you so choose. However, the good news is that if you are not a huge garland fan, you can opt to let the 15 foot artificial Christmas trees branches do the work by fluffing these better. 

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